BOD Sensor Velp – Italy
PT. Alfa Omega Indolab merupakan distributor / supplier Alat Laboratorium. Jual dengan harga terbaru dan murah BOD Sensor Velp. Kami menjual berbagai macam alat Laboratorium untuk kebutuhan Industri dengan layanan prima sehingga memberikan kepuasan kepada pelanggan. Melayani pengiriman ke seluruh kota di Indonesia, sehingga menjangkau banyak customer. Kami jual berbagai macam BOD Sensor dan BOD Incubator Merk Velp Scientifica dengan kualitas sangat bagus sehingga menjamin kepuasan pelanggan. Velp Scientifica merupakan produsen alat laboratorium dari Italy sangat menjaga kualitasnya sehingga memberikan jaminan kepuasan. Selain alat-alat untuk uji BOD, kami juga menjual berbagai macam alat Laboratorium yang lain. Produk lengkap dapat Anda lihat di Catalog Products.
BOD (Biochemical Oxygen Determination) Sensor VELP :
The BOD Sensor Velp is designed to provide a smart and cloud-enabled solution to laboratories of water and wastewater quality control.
BOD (Biochemical Oxygen Demand) Determination is a simple and easy way for monitoring the microorganisms’ activity in water samples with extremely reliable results.
In particular, microorganisms present or inoculated in a water sample containing biodegradable organic substance, consume oxygen for their metabolic activity and produce a corresponding volume of CO2.
The CO2 gets absorbed by a strong alkali positioned in the neck of the bottle. The result of this process is a decrease in gas pressure. BOD measures this change in gas pressure between the beginning to the end of the analysis and gives a result expressed in mg/l .
BOD Sensor Velp Italy
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Respirometric BOD Sensor Velp Italy
BOD Sensor Velp – Italy
PT. Alfa Omega Indolab merupakan distributor / supplier Alat Laboratorium. Jual dengan harga terbaru dan murah BOD Sensor Velp. Kami menjual berbagai macam alat Laboratorium untuk kebutuhan Industri dengan layanan prima sehingga memberikan kepuasan kepada pelanggan. Melayani pengiriman ke seluruh kota di Indonesia, sehingga menjangkau banyak customer. Kami jual berbagai macam BOD Sensor dan BOD Incubator Merk Velp Scientifica dengan kualitas sangat bagus sehingga menjamin kepuasan pelanggan. Velp Scientifica merupakan produsen alat laboratorium dari Italy sangat menjaga kualitasnya sehingga memberikan jaminan kepuasan. Selain alat-alat untuk uji BOD, kami juga menjual berbagai macam alat Laboratorium yang lain. Produk lengkap dapat Anda lihat di Catalog Products.
BOD (Biochemical Oxygen Determination) Sensor VELP :
The BOD Sensor Velp is designed to provide a smart and cloud-enabled solution to laboratories of water and wastewater quality control.
BOD (Biochemical Oxygen Demand) Determination is a simple and easy way for monitoring the microorganisms’ activity in water samples with extremely reliable results.
In particular, microorganisms present or inoculated in a water sample containing biodegradable organic substance, consume oxygen for their metabolic activity and produce a corresponding volume of CO2.
The CO2 gets absorbed by a strong alkali positioned in the neck of the bottle. The result of this process is a decrease in gas pressure. BOD measures this change in gas pressure between the beginning to the end of the analysis and gives a result expressed in mg/l .
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